Fieldtrip Kirksville 150 years of Osteopathy

9-16/6/24 Next edition will be announced, stay tuned!
Field trip Kirksville

Join us on the fieldtrip to the home os osteopathy, celebrating 150 years of osteopathy.

At the moment, 20 participants, including teachers, assistants, and students, have confirmed and booked their flights. Join us as we honor 150 years of osteopathy.


Flyout to Chicago on Sunday 09.06.23. Drive to Kirksville (6h drive, 363 miles) and check in at the lake.

Fly back from Chicago on Saturday 15.06 or Sunday (or later if you prefer to stay).

Courses at ATSU

Monday Tuesday Wednesday: classes at ATSU, Andrew Taylor Still University, founded in 1892 by Andrew Taylor Still and the world's first osteopathic medical school. Including visits to the museum with in depth background information.

Courses at CCOM

Thursday 13 June morning drive to Chicago. Thursday PM and Friday osteopathy classes at Midwestern University / CCOM.


All costs are paid by the participant.

Local transport

A van is hired to provide transportation from the airport to the accomodation and courses.

The cost is split between the particpants.


The cabin at the lake is reserved and offers all needed fascilities.

The cost is split between the particpants.


Osteon is not resposible and holds no liability. The participant is responsable for all needed documents for the trip.

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