Advanced manipulations of the spine, by Daryl Herbert

Tuesday and Wednesday 22 & 23 April 2026
You learn faster with the master: Daryl is the direct student from Professor Laurie Hartman

Daryl is a renowned figure in osteopathic teaching, excelling as both an educator and a technician. His unique approach will leave you inspired, and the experience will provide profound learning opportunities.

Whilst he was establishing his own practice, Daryl also worked as an assistant for Professor Laurie Hartman in North London. Daryl continued to work with Laurie for several years, learning and developing his experience of osteopathic practice. It was during this period that Daryl was introduced to teaching osteopathic manipulation skills by Laurie, first in the UK and then further afield in Europe, Scandinavia and the USA. Today, Daryl is teaching in his own right at a number of different osteopathic schools, manual therapy and physiotherapy groups in over twenty countries around the world.

Meet Daryl and be inspired

Daryl was originally born in Leeds, Yorkshire, but spent almost all of his childhood and school years living in Chingford. Daryl studied at the University College of Osteopathy (UCO) formally the British School of Osteopathy (BSO), London in 1984 and graduated with his ‘Diploma in Osteopathy’ in 1988.

Daryl then started his practice in Chingford working alongside his father, a local GP, in Chingford Health Centre, where his practice grew and after nearly a decade here, moved to the new purpose built Churchill Medical Centre. Daryl has continued to build his practice, treating patients in Loughton two days per week. Today he has a team of osteopaths and various complementary practitioners working with him.

In 1988, Daryl returned to the University College of Osteopathy (UCO) as a clinical tutor in the out patients department, and after approximately four years moved across to the Technique department. Technique is the practical skill that is required to be an Osteopath. Daryl has been teaching technique since and was co-ordinator of the first year students’ education programme for fifteen years. He was responsible for the syllabus and assessment programme, as well as staff development. He then went on to teach Advanced Spinal Manipulation elective to the 4th (final) year students until 2019.

Daryl’s free time away from Osteopathy is taken up with his wife, three daughters and 2 grandchildren.

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