Christophe Wolfs


Christophe Wolfs


Experience in osteopathy

Experience in teaching

Assistent at Fico for 3 years and teach visceral semiology and techniques for two years.

Graduated in

Graduated in osteopathy in 2012


My name is Christophe Wolfs and I am 46 years old. I am married to Sara and we have two daughters. I live and work in Wintershoven (Kortessem).

I started my own practice in Physiotherapy in 1999, studied manual therapy, acupuncture, brainspotting and osteopathy. I graduated in osteopathy in 2012. I was assistent at Fico for 3 years and teach visceral semiology and techniques for two years.

The combination of osteopathy with knowledge from brainspotting and traditional Chinese medicine makes it possible to make interesting connections between physical complaints, mental processes, mind setting and the autonomic nervous system. 
