Biomarkers, understanding the signals of the human body

Wednesday 8 to Friday 10/5 Part 1 & Friday 31/5 to Sunday 2/6 Part 2
A structured presentation of the Biomarkers per organ, presented according to the osteopathic principle of the 7 axes

Location, Osteon Education

Price, 525 euro per module or 990 euro for both modules, all included

Teaching language English

This postgraduate course will widen your osteopathic horizon incredibly. Learn how to understand and treat for example brittle/fragile nails, blefaritis, bleeding gums, epistaxis, migraine, cold limbs, excessive sweating, night sweats, tinnitus, hair loss, … Combine new insights using your knowledge of anatomy, physiology, histology, biochemistry, … and apply this in your daily clinic. This course is an eyeopener and will boost your therapeutic range beyond expectations.

In the clinic, more and more patients present themselves with complaints based on biochemical factors. Their body cannot cope anymore with the biochemical challenges of the modern world (toxins, vaccination, pollution, high caloric but poor qualitative nutrition,...).

This postgraduate course enables you to recognize & deal with these challenges and will boost your clinical success, based on science and EBP.

You wil be enabled to recognise the signals of teh human body in an efficient way, leading you straight to the correct working hypothesis.

This postgraduate course consists of 2 modules, each of 2,5 days and is delivered by an expert in the field who combines daily clinical work with teaching.

A unique tool for your clinical insights

There are many courses in the field, but this course is different.

Per organ the biomarkers are presented, but not simply as just a list.

The biomarkers are presented according the 7 osteopathic axes of the body, linking the biomarkers per organ to the coping systems of the human body.

Keywords: structured, logical, consistent, substantive, appropriate and practically orientated.

Be amazed how fast you get to the correct working hypothesis in your clinical work and stop chasing the symptoms and compensatory mechanisims of the human body.

The biomarkers are grouped per organ couple as follows:

  • Biomarkers 1: Stomach & Pancreas, Lung & Colon, Kidney & Bladder
  • Biomarkers 2: Liver & Gallbladder, Heart, Pericardium & Intestine


This grouping of biomarkers per organ is based on the osteopathic insights of both Western and Eastern medicine, combining the best of all worlds.

Participants' feedback from the previous edition of this postgraduate course indicated that participating in the Biomarkers was the most useful postgraduate course in many years, providing wonderful insights that are directly applicable in daily clinical practice.

Be inspired and amazed!



Detailed course program

Wednesday 8 to Friday 10/5 Part 1 & Friday 31/5 to Sunday 2/6 Part 2


Both modules have a 2,5-day Course program. Each module has 18,5 contact hours.


Module 1: Biomarkers 1: Stomach & Pancreas, Lung & Colon, Kidney & Bladder


Day 1 9-18h


  • AM 9-13h30, with 15 min break


Introduction biomarkers

Stomach: biomarkers in the 7 axes

Theory and practice


  • PM 14h30-18h, with 15 min break


Pancreas: biomarkers in the 7 axes

Theory and practice

Lung: biomarkers in the 7 axes


Day 2 9-18h


  • AM 9-13h30, with 15 min break

Large intestine: biomarkers in the 7 axes

Theory and practice


  • PM 14h30-18h, with 15 min break


Kidney: biomarkers in the 7 axes

Theory and praxis


Day 3 9-13h30


  • AM 9- 13h30, with 15 min break

Bladder: biomarkers in the 7 axes

Theory and praxis



Module 2: Biomarkers 2: Liver & Gallbladder, Heart, Pericardium & Intestine


Day 1 9-18h


  • AM 9-13h30, with 15 min break

Liver: biomarkers in the 7 axes

Theory and praxis


  • PM 14h30-18h, with 15 min break

Gall bladder: biomarkers in the 7 axes

Theory and praxis

Heart and small intestine: introduction


Day 2 9-18h

  • AM 9-13h30

Heart: biomarkers of the 7 axes

Theory and praxis


  • PM 14h30-18h

Small intestine : continuation biomarkers of the 7 axes

Theory and praxis


Day 3

  • AM: 9-13h30

Small intestine: biomarkers of the 7 axes

Theory and praxis



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