Alzheimers brain

THE (G)LYMPHATIC SYSTEM like you never saw it: insights & applications

15 - 17 May 2025
A mind-blowing 2-day course that will change your approach in your clinical work

Location, Osteon Education

Price, 545 euro, all included

Small groups, steep learning curve


Learn to understand and treat long-Covid, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, ME, PSSD, Alzheimer and Parkinson.

Learn how to use the anatomy of the lymphatic system from the smallest lymphatic vessel to the cisterna chyli and the thoracic duct.

Understand the immune system – the difference between B and T cells, the acute and chronic immune response and the significance of the relationship between the lymphatic system and the immune system.

Learn how to apply the physiology of the lymphatics system in your daily clinic.

Apply the pathology of the lymphatics system including examination in the diagnosis of lymphatic disease.

Master the neuro-lymphatic (glymphatic) system and its disorders – including the pathogenesis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) and fibromyalgia, physical symptoms and diagnostic signs.

Learn manual treatment of lymphatic disorders – Manual Pump Techniques; Effleurage, Petrissage and Functional approaches based on osteopathic research of Dr Lisa Hodge, Dr Ray Perrin and others.

The course is of relevance to practitioners who wish to learn in detail about the lymphatic system, the causes of pathology in this system and relevant treatments and contraindications. It will be of particular interest to practitioners interested in the research by Dr Raymond Perrin into CFSME, fibromyalgia and long-Covid and the treatment of these conditions using the various lymphatic techniques discussed over duration of the course.

Understand the pathogenesis of lymphatic disorders from a biomechanical perspective.

Learn how to examine a patient for the early physical symptoms and diagnostic signs for possible lymphadenopathies and learn the differences between healthy and non-healthy systems including splenomegaly, Hodgkin’s and fibromyalgia.

Learn how to carry out the osteopathic care of all patients focussing on the lymphatics, plus specific disorders such as lymphangitis, lymphoedema and other forms of lymphadenopathy.

Gain an understanding of how to integrate the evidence-based medicine discussed in the workshop into better patient care in all realms of clinical practice.

2-day Course program

Day 1 9-19h

AM 9-13h30

  • The history of lymphatic discovery 10min
  • The anatomy of the lymphatic system 30 min
  • The immune system 30min
  • The Physiology of the lymphatics 30min
  • Practical session: Surface anatomy 30min
  • Applied Pathology: lymphatic disorders 1hr
  • The neurolymphatic system and disorders Anatomy, physiology, applied pathology 1 hr

PM 14h30-19h

  • Practical Examination in the diagnosis of lymphatic disease including examination of spleen and liver 30 min.
  • The Manual Treatment of lymphatic disorders: a review of all the main techniques used in the past and present to help the practitioner and understand the different methods used around the world from Vodder to Chikly. 30 min
  • Practical hands-on Training on lymphatic treatments
  • Osteopathic treatment of 8 peripheral diaphragms 30 min
  • Stills cervical technique 15 min
  • Miller Thoracic Pump 15 min
  • Pedal Pump 15min
  • Respiratory abdominal pump 15 min
  • Sutherlands Lymphatic techniques 15min
  • Zinc thoracic technique 15min
  • Effleurage 30min
  • Petrissage 30min
  • Vodder technique: the basics 15min
  • Abdominal and thoracic duct techniques and overview of day 30min
  • Questions & revision 30 min

Day 2 9-19h

AM 9-13h30

  • The Neuro-lymphatic (Glymphatic) system. Diagnosis 1hr
  • Practical training: Examination of patients with neuro lymphatic disease. 1hr
  • Manual Treatment of conditions such as CFS/ME, Fibromyalgia, and other associated conditions such as Lyme Disease with practical training. 2hrs

PM 14h30-19h

  • Other advice to patients with neurolymphatic disorders 1hr
  • Condition based insights & techniques: Alzheimer, Parkinson, long-Covid, PTSD, CVS, ME and Fibromyalgia. 3 hrs
  • Questions & revision 30 min
About the Course Leader and Trainer Dr. Raymond Perrin DO (UK), PhD. Registered Osteopath
  • Neuroscientist and Specialist in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME
  • Clinical Research Fellow, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
  • Vice Patron – University College of Osteopathy, London
  • International Faculty member & teacher
  • Winner of the Institute of Osteopathy’s Research and Practice Award 2015

Dr. Raymond Perrin qualified in 1984 from the then British School of Osteopathy. Whilst at the BSO he spent 3 years working in the children’s clinic with Jonathan Curtis-Lake where he gained much experience in cranio-sacral techniques.

He has extensive experience treating top sportsmen and women, including Olympic athletes. In 1991, he was appointed official osteopath to the World Student Games, Sheffield, UK.

Dr. Perrin’s research since 1989 into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome /ME has expanded our knowledge of the disease and how to diagnose treat it. In July 2005 he was awarded a doctorate by the university of Salford, UK for his thesis on the involvement of cerebrospinal fluid and lymphatic drainage in CFS/ME.

From 1996 onwards, he has been the Research Director of F.O.R.M.E. Trust.

Since 2007, he has held the academic post of Honorary Senior lecturer at the Allied Health Professions Research Unit, University of Central Lancashire, in Preston, UK.

He has lectured internationally and in the UK to CFS/ME patient groups and the medical profession on the Osteopathic treatment of CFS/ME. He has published papers in major medical journals and his book, The Perrin Technique: How to beat CFS/ME was published by Hammersmith Press, London in 2007.

In 2009, Dr. Perrin presented his work to the World’s leading experts in ME/CFS at the conference of the International Association of ME/CFS in Reno, Nevada.

He was appointed member of the scientific committee for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th World Congress on Neurobiology and Psychopharmacology affiliated with the European Association of Psychiatrists Annual Conference, Greece.

In March 2014, Dr. Perrin presented some further research findings at the conference of the International Association of ME/CFS in San Francisco.

In a study between 2015-16, he was chief investigator of joint UCLan & NHS research project: Examining the accuracy of a physical diagnostic technique for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, REC reference number 12/NW/0877.

In 2015, he joined the international faculty of the German School of Osteopathy, Hamburg; and teaches osteopathic theory and practice to students in colleges all over Europe. As well as the in the UK, Dr, Perrin has lectured worldwide, and trained fellow osteopaths, physiotherapists, chiropractors and physicians in the manual techniques he has developed in The USA, South Africa, Gibraltar, Germany, Czech Republic, The Netherlands, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Sicily, Russia, Australia, Brazil and South Africa.

For his service to osteopathy, Dr. Perrin was appointed a vice-patron of The British School of Osteopathy, now The University College of Osteopathy, and he was the proud winner of the inaugural Research and Practice Award from the Institute of Osteopathy in 2015.

In 2016, he was a lecturer at the IAME/CFS conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where he was invited to present his findings to the Neuro-immune research centre at the College of Osteopathic Medicine at NOVA South Eastern University. He will be detailing this ground-breaking research project in his workshop which was published in the online version of The British Medical Journal (Hives L et al 2017)

He is at present an Honorary Clinical Research Fellow in The Faculty of Biology, Medicine & Health at The University of Manchester.

Ray lives with his family in North Manchester where he runs a multi-disciplinary clinic. He also sees patients in two other clinics near London.

Course Description

The Perrin Techniquetm for the diagnosis and treatment of ME/CFS was developed by in 1989. In this workshop, you will learn how to examine patients for physical signs that aid in the diagnosis of ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia. These signs have been confirmed in an NHS study at Wrightington Hospital, UK published in the BMJ Open (Hives L et al.  Nov, 2017), which will be discussed in detail. Also in this two-day workshop, you will learn how to manually treat the complex conditions such as ME/CFS, FMS, Long-COVID, Lymes Disease and help comorbidities, such as POTS and EDS.


The workshop will cover the neuroscience underlying the physical symptoms and diagnostic signs to screen for ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia and Long-COVID. It includes practical sessions with clinical handouts that practitioners can use as an aid to the diagnostic and prognostic process. The full treatment protocol taught in the Workshop by Dr. Perrin will be life-changing for many of your patients.


In 2010, The ME Association of the UK has been behind probably the largest-ever British survey of opinion among people with ME/CFS. In the survey, a table of 25 therapies tried by patients were listed by the percentage of people who improved.

The Top 3 were:

1.Pacing: 71.2% improved

2.Meditation and relaxation: 53.7% improved

3.The Perrin Technique: 51.3% improved

In this 2-day workshop Dr. Perrin will detail the evidenced based diagnosis, treatment and management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and fibromyalgia, and now long Covid.

Millions of patients need many more practitioners to train in this osteopathic technique developed by Dr. Perrin.

The planned workshop will be in 4 parts
  1. Applied anatomy and pathophysiology of the neurolymphatic and autonomic nervous system

The applied anatomy and physiology of the neurolymphatic system plus the pathogenesis of CFS/ME from a biomechanical perspective. The neuroscience underlying the physical symptoms and diagnostic signs will be explained.

  1. The evidence to support the physical diagnostic criteria

A summary of the findings of the clinical trials into the treatment at the Universities of Salford and Manchester together with results of an independent controlled clinical study in Hammersmith Hospital London plus a detailed review of the findings from the diagnostic study published recently in the BMJ Open (Hives L et al. Nov 2017)

  1. Practical session

Dr. Perrin will explain the consultation process and practically demonstrate the physical signs that clinicians can use in practice as an aid to the diagnostic process. Also, the Perrin Technique treatment protocol will be taught with practical sessions on the second day of the workshop.

Note the examination and treatment requires exposure of the whole breast tissue that must be done with underwear removed. Participants on the course are under no obligation to model for the examination or treatment. If you would like to volunteer as a model full information and a consent form will be provided prior to the course.

  1. The range of management options available for CFS/ME and Fibromyalgia and Long-COVID will be discussed, and an integrative multidisciplinary approach will be shown
The workshops fulfil the seven core CME competencies required by the American Osteopath Association
  1. Osteopathic Philosophy/Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine

The Perrin Technique is entirely based on the application and the teaching of knowledge of accepted standards in osteopathic manipulative treatment appropriate to the treatment of ME/CFS, CFIDS and fibromyalgia. Future planned refresher workshops and newsletters will ensure that the practitioners remain updated with the latest developments in the field of ME/CFS.

  1. Medical Knowledge

The workshop will amply demonstrate and apply knowledge of accepted standards of clinical medicine with the other current treatments being examined and discussed.

  1. Patient Care

There will be hands on practical teaching of the physical examination and treatment of ME/CFS and fibromyalgia. By the end of the workshop, delegates will have been taught and be required to demonstrate the ability to effectively treat patients and provide medical care that incorporates the osteopathic philosophy, patient empathy, awareness of behavioral issues, the incorporation of preventive medicine and health promotion.

  1. Interpersonal and Communication Skills

This is so important in the field of ME/CFS and fibromyalgia. The workshop will show how by explanation of what we now know to be occurring with this disease interpersonal and communication skills enable a physician to establish and maintain a much better professional relationships with patients, families, and other members of health care teams.

  1. Professionalism

The workshop will go through the case studies of a variety of the hundreds of ME/CFS and fibromyalgia patients treated by Dr. Perrin and will emphasize the practitioner be cognizant of physical and mental health in order to effectively care for patients.

  1. Practice-Based Learning and Improvement

The entire 2-day workshop will be dedicated to demonstrating the ability to critically evaluate methods of clinical practice, integrating evidence based medicine into patient care. The previous and present research trials undertaken by Dr. Perrin with leading scientists from some of the top universities in the UK will be discussed.

  1. Systems-Based Practice

This is covered in day 2 of the workshop which will be practically based showing the delegates how to provide effective and qualitative patient care practice cost effective medicine to improve the quality of life in patients with ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia.

The workshop will focus on the advances in science showing recent visible evidence of the existence of a neuro-lymphatic (glymphatic) pathway (Iliff J et al 2012) and a dural lymphatic system that was only confirmed in humans in 2017 (Absinta, Ha et al. 2017).

Plus, it will explain how neurolymphatic disturbance due to sympathetic dysfunction causes excess lactic acid leading to myalgia and fatigue supporting earlier research findings. (He J. et al. 2013.)

The workshop will utilise a selection of visual aids, including a PowerPoint presentation, anatomical models and handouts. The workshop is designed to practically help the clinician improve their palpatory diagnostic and treatment skills in the field of ME/CFS and FMS.  In the first day, Dr. Perrin will demonstrate and teach the participants how to use validated and established ME/CFS and FMS consultation forms plus how to examine the physical signs that will help the clinician to screen for and give a reasonably accurate severity score and prognosis of these diseases. Thus, improving the clinical care of ME/CFS and FMS patients.

The second day will focus on the treatment that at present is helping thousands of sufferers ME/CFS, FMS and now Long-COVID around the world who receive The Perrin Technique from over 100 licensed practitioners, worldwide.

Additional Information on Licensing (optional for participants)

On completion of this two-day course, delegates are qualified to register as a licenced 'Perrin Technique' practitioner.  This gives you the right to list that you are a registered 'Perrin Technique' practitioner on your own website. You will also be listed as a licenced practitioner on the Perrin Technique website. The cost for registration as a licenced 'Perrin Technique' practitioner is being offered by Dr. Perrin at a discounted price of only £100 for the first year of registration for delegates attending this course (reverting to the regular price of £250 per year thereafter).

Registering as a licenced 'Perrin Technique' practitioner means you will be placed on the website map advertising your clinic and also receive updated online monthly information about research findings from Dr. Perrin annual catch-up events at different locations.  Please note that 'Perrin Technique' and Dr. Perrin's name are trademarked by Dr. Perrin and cannot be used in any of your marketing material without first registering as a licenced 'Perrin Technique' practitioner.

Workshop Objectives and Learning Outcomes

At the end of the two days, participants should be able to:

  • Use the techniques demonstrated to screen patients for ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) in their clinical practice.
  • Know how to examine the patient for the early physical symptoms and diagnostic signs for possible CFS/ME and Fibromyalgia.
  • Be able to identify aetiological and maintaining factors that may have predisposed the patient and increased their susceptibility to develop ME/CFS and FMS.
  • Accurately assess the level of severity of the patient’s illness and calculate the prognosis for their condition.
  • Understand the principles and gain the skills to practice the manual treatment of the neuro-lymphatic system that is the Perrin technique.
  • Understand the pathogenesis of CFS/ME and Fibromyalgia from a biomechanical perspective.
  • Have an understanding of the wider management of the CFS/ME and fibromyalgia patient to support patient wellbeing.
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