Koen Vandenbosch


Koen Vandenbosch


Experience in osteopathy

Since 2021

Experience in teaching

5 year of assistant ship and 3year as a teacher

Graduated in

Since 1985


I’m Koen Vandenbosch, intriged by the way the human body interacts to all kind of input (internal – external ) and the way osteopathy can help to respond in this interaction.  

I’m your man behind the scene, that helps to organize/facilitate the school and from time to time I’m in front of the class try to make my students to become even better osteopaths.

This will be the 5° year of assistant ship and my 3° year as a teacher for a minor course in the curriculum of osteopathy ( open the window for the students to a very new issue of cranial osteopathy ).

I’m osteopath DO since 2021 and graduated physiotherapist since 1985; in 2012 I graduated as acupuncturist.

I’m available in helping Osteon and try developing it to an high standard of osteopathic education; but as I have seen the top teachers, whom were interested on jumping along this new project, my input will be rather of lower added value.  However I’m still looking forward what the postgraduated program will be offering for us.
